Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"A new marine painting on the Easel"

"View from the cliff walk"- 15x26- oil on linen is a work in progress.

I just returned from a week long trip involving gallery and workshop business. Had a wonderful visit to a beautiful part of the country that I had never seen before in Pa. Met some wonderful folks in Bucks county.

This painting was on the easel when I left....a painting interrupted. After leaving a painting in the middle of critical stages, it is sometimes difficult to just jump back in where one leaves off. I am always anxious to get back to finish a painting that I have some time invested in. The real danger for me is, losing my enthusiasm for the piece if it hangs around to long in the studio. If I'm really into the painting, this usually does not happen. In this case, I am happy with the way it is progressing, so I am looking forward to completing it.... and I really have not spent that much time on it. It is coming together to my satisfaction....thankfully! I have to finish the vegetation in the lower right corner and adjust a few values here and there.....a few sea gulls, and I will probably call this one done. I will post the finished painting later. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.


  1. As usual, what a great design. I was in New Hope last weekend dropping off some paintings and I had a chance to really get out and explore the area. I can see why it was such an artist magnet! I'm looking forward to what you may come up with from your trip.

    1. Thanks Kevin! I was busy giving a workshop thru the gallery, but I did get around to gather photo reference...unable to do location studies though...maybe on the next trip I'll have more time. It is certainly a beautiful area. Good luck with your paintings. I'm chomping at the bit to do a studio piece soon from the trip.
