Monday, December 17, 2012

Compositional,gesture studies for possible Larger figure paintings."

"Untitled" composition study, 9x6 oil on panel

This is a small compositional study of a planned larger painting.  I usually don't do preliminary studies.  I like to just jump in most of the time, but sketches can spare me much grief later.  It is easy to spend a hour to solve a few problems.....but, it is sometimes heartbreaking to spend an afternoon on a piece and have to wipe out the effort due to poor planning.  The operative word here for me is, I do not approach it same way every time.  This addresses my personal need to keep it from becoming a formula process.  I also painted this on a surface that I haven't painted on in years....a smooth gesso coated piece of hard board or Masonite.
"Untitled 2" compositional, gesture study, 16x12

In this detail, it is easy to see the paint application, and  how economical I attempted to do this little gesture sketch.  I like this type of spontaneous work.....especially in small paintings.  It is a goal of mine to do as much of this in the larger compositions as I can successfully do.  Somehow the little studies do not seem so precious, and if they is no big deal.  Again, the failures in larger work with more time invested somehow do become a bigger deal.  Keeping it in perspective, no one will be injured if my painting fails.

Thanks for listening to my Cajun ramblings.

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